Thursday 8 January 2015


In this film they are very stereotypical about the gender of the actors in it and which could be offensive to people. In the film Wolf of Wall Street men are represented as big business men that are very protective about their money. The business men in this film are represented as very rich and spend their money to try bribe women and to buy drugs and other illegal items. The dwarf (the disabled person) in the film is used as throwing object. In this film they have protracted The American Dream in a very bad way because the man in this film (Leonardo Dicaprio) is doing illegal stuff to reach this dream and is ripping off people and breaking promises to gain money. USA is represented as a place where men are full of money and the women are bribed by the men. It is also represented as a place where everyone does drugs and other illegal acts. The 1980's are represented as very chaotic and most white people are rich/high business men while black people ain't so rich and struggle to make a living. As there are hardly any black people in this film it tells us that black people back in the 80's weren't as rich as white people.

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